Jane Holroyd
Jane Holroyd's Story
During the first lockdown I had no reason to doubt the story I was being told. I was careful and worried for the people i love. As summer came and we opened up again I felt increasingly confused by the contradictory information about the seriousness of the pandemic. It seemed to me bewilderingly heartless to leave elderly people to die alone, confused and feeling abandoned and rejected. I found myself almost relieved that my father with dementia had passed a year ago. We were able to sing with him, hold his hand and put on gospel hymns that he so loved.
Now, I feel so guilty that we just sit back and allow our elders and loved ones to be so isolated.
I felt so strongly about this that I went to Trafalgar square to peacefully protest about the mental torture we are inflicting on our elders. I was arrested and thrown into a police cell in solitary confinement overnight.
Here I had to dig deep and remind myself of Pilgrim's progress and that I was doing this for my children and grandchildren so they could have the freedoms I have enjoyed up til now.
For the first time in my entire life I found myself on the wrong side of the 'law'.
In that cell my faith became clearer.
It crystallized how important it is to nurture what is good in this world and how important my faith is.
Even though this is a time of fear, lies, misinformation, bullying, neglect and separation I believe that the light of the world will shine through this darkness. We have to experience this hell on earth to come to know in a deep personal way that our deepest values of love, compassion and peace are our faith and our future.